Copyright 2021


Tom Jones:

Jerry Martin:

2022 Oregon Sporting Clays Hall of Fame

The votes are in and we have Three Oregon Sporting Clays Hall of Fame inductees for 2022: Jerry Martin for his shooting achievements, David Abel, and Ellen Deleganes for service.

Each individual’s contribution whether it be their career shooting achievements or their dedicated service, has advanced the sport of Sporting Clays in Oregon for decades.  All have served as Oregon’s ambassadors to the sport and have represented us well on the local and national stage.

The initiation ceremony will be held at the 2022 Oregon State Championship.


Shooting Award - Jerry Martin Sr.

For 10-years Jerry Martin has served and supported the NSCA membership. First he represented us as our Zone 7 Regional Delegate and then as our Western Region Delegate. When NSCA reorganized, they dropped the Regional Delegate position so Jerry has been serving as one of our Oregon National Delegates since 2014. As a shooting competitor, Jerry has traveled to competition events throughout the Northwest, Regionally and Nationally. He and his partner Brian Tarlson have been hosting shooters at their 5-Stand facility at the Portland Gun Club for many years. Jerry has been on the All-American Concurrent Team (6) years since 2014 as First Team  Sr. Super Vet. and then in 2022, he was on the new Legacy Concurrent 2nd Team. Jerry has been on the All-American 12ga. 1st Team five times, 20 ga. 1st Team two times and the 28 ga. All-American 2nd & 3rd Team four times.  

Service Award - David Abel

David has been a life member of the NSSA and NSCA for over forty years.  He has been the driving force of the Creswell Clay Target Sports Club (CCTS) for all of those years.  From Board President to Youth Training his leadership has been truly inspirational.  Dave has been the leader for twenty years of State Shoot events as well as monthly Registered Shoots.  Dave has led our Youth Training Program, which has developed numerous champions both on the State level as well as National. The CCTS facility has grown from a struggling Trap Club to  a financially strong and vibrant all incumbent Clay Target Sports Facility under Dave Abel’s years of dedicated guidance and leadership.

David added the following. My interest in Sporting Clays began after a less than successful Duck Hunting trip & deciding that I wanted to learn how to  master the shotgun.  This led to obtaining a Level 1 Instructors rating with NSCA and passing on my new  found knowledge to others.  Steve Wilhite & I put on a Fund Raising Shoot for the Child Center in Springfield for several  years that turned into the largest Sporting Clay Tournaments in the State at the time.  I have taken pride in the efforts in transforming Creswell Clay Target Sports into a major sporting clay destination in the State and restarting a successful Youth Program.

Service Award - Ellen Deleganes

I started the shotgun sports later in life than most people, but soon came to love it. I have been fortunate to have had mentors and coaches from the start.

My first experience with working at Sporting Clays shoots was Oregon State Shoot held at the Tri-County Gun Club back in the 1990's. I was the cashier and scorekeeper for that tournament. I was just getting into the sport, so was thankful I had help from Beverly Zapffe and others who stepped in to help.

When Dan Mitchell took over the business at Salem Trap and Skeet, he took me under his wing to work with him with monthly shoots, multiple state shoots and larger out of state shoots, such as Ducks Unlimited, a Zone 7 shoot and the Western Open. He taught me many aspects beyond registration and scoring in organizing shoots. When Tri-County first started holding monthly shoots, I volunteered to help with registration and scoring and later taught their staff how to use Winscore.

I enjoy working with computers so designing and maintaining the Oregon Sporting Clays website is a natural fit. Working with Tom and Jerry to keep the content up-to-date has been a pleasure.

I’ve met many great people by involvement in the sport and am honored to be named to the Oregon Hall of Fame.